Works List
The iso-études
- Luminous (vibraphone) (12′) (2020) [score published by Smith Publications, Sharon, VT]
- Dark integers (vibraphone) (12′) (2020) [score published by Smith Publications, Sharon, VT]
- ghosts of motion (clarinet d’amore) (11′) (2020)
- Arcanabula (bassoon) (14′) (2020)
- Noctuary (piano) (~20′) [in progress]
- Resuscitatîve (contrabass) (12′) (2021)
- un petit mot crabe-c’est-ma-faute (trombone & untuned percussion) (12′) (2021)
- chronology horizons (piano) (32′) (2021)
Solo Woodwind
caught breath of time (flute doubling altoflute) (10′) (1982)
Flute Tetralog for Laura Chislett
vier darmstädter aphorismen
- Venezia (flute) (2′) (1986)
- piccolo fragment from Dark Neumes (piccolo) (2′) (1987)
- A.R.T.A.U.D. (bassflute) (3′) (1988)
- gelb : violett (altoflute) (7′) (1989)
dé/ployé (piccolo) (8′) (1987)
sulle scale della Fenice (flute) (10′) (1986–89)
closing lemma (flute) (10′) (1987–91)
Flute Pentalog
dawn is a girl, removing her necklace of stars (open-hole flute) (12′) (2017)
geminy (2017)
- geminy (open-hole flute) (18′)
- geminy A & B (open-hole flute) (8′ + 8′)
apricity (bass flute) (10′) [in preparation] (2017– )
heliotropic (piccolo) [in preparation] (12′) (2017– )
Brancusi’s Birds (open-hole flute) (15′) [in preparation] (2017– )
AKJH (wooden closed-hole flute) (8′) [in preparation] (2017– )
seven types of time machine (open-hole flute) (18′) [in preparation] (2012-21)
time (solo bass or basset clarinet) (6′) (1979)
ruins within (clarinet in A) (10′) (1992–94)
the sadness of detail (2002)
- folded version (clarinet) (10′)
- unfolded version (clarinet) (10′)
ghosts of motion (clarinet d’amore) (10ʹ) (2020)
burns (alto saxophone) (6′) (1989)
‘e/meth (oboe or soprano saxophone) (10′) (1995)
shards (solo recorder: playing bass, tenor, alto, soprano, sopranino, garklein) (18′) (2011–12)
Arcanabula (bassoon) (14′) (2020)
Solo Strings
Resuscitatîve (contrabass) (13′) (2021)
Solo Piano
topologies (12′) (1978)
tilt (8′) (1985)
passing bells (2004/2020)
- passing bells (45′)
- passing bells: day (25′)
- passing bells: night (20′)
Piano Sonata (100′) (2015–16)
Noctuary (~20) (2008-21)
chronology horizons (piano) (32′) (2021)
Phase Portraits
Book One
zero-knowledge protocols (2′) (1973)
helical (3′) (1975)
tenebroso (6′) (1978/2003)
dancing qualia (10′) (1978/ )
tiento de medio registro alto (3′) (1978/2003)
small box of time (8′) (2013/ ) [adapted from marimba solo]
Pas Seul I: reading Takahashi (3.5′) (1979/93)
Pas Seul II: vectorial (3.5′)
Appendix to Book One
Pas Seul III: rushes (piano duet) (6′) (1979/96)
Book Two – [microsonata]
into the wormworks (6′) (1984/95)
esperance (4′) (1986)
E-330 plays (6′) (1991/2003)
Appendix to Book Two
mem(e) (bassflute and piano) (5′) [Red House edition] [currently under revision] (1994)
Book Three – the heretical bagatelles
BD & double [Brett Dean] (4′) (2009)
AG [Anna Goldsworthy] (3′) (2008/12)
KS [Kathryn Sullivan] (2′) (2009/12)
AB 1- 7 (Ordre concis) [Andrew Bernard] (15′) (2014– )
flex for AR [Alex Raineri] (7′) (2017)
PdeJ 1 (facetiae) [Peter de Jager] (9′) (2017)
PdeJ 2 (austerer measures) (6′) (2017)
PdeJ 3 (laminar flow) (12′) (2022)
- [When all three PdeJ pieces are performed as a group they should be referred to as the Sonata de Jager]
Quiescence for BP (10′) (2022)
MK [Mark Knoop] (5′) (2017– )
forAY [Adam Yee] (5′) (2017– )
JD [John Davis] (5′) (2017– )
Book Four
the heart’s algorithms (13′) (1993/99–2002)
ik(s)land[s] fragment (2′) (1997/98)
(the) Barry Jones Dances (15′) [in preparation: versions for harpsichord or piano] (2013– )
compostela/finisterre (large organ) (18′) (2005–06 extended 2009)
Solo Percussion
small box of time (marimba) (8′) (2013)
Luminous (vibraphone) (12′) (2020)
Dark integers (vibraphone) (12′) (2020)
Solo Guitar
severance (8′) (1988–94)
asymptotic freedom (17′) (1997–99) [Red House edition]
in Chasm City (7-string electric guitar) (19′) [edited by Mark Wilson] (2018)
Chamber Music
String Quartet (65′) [rewrite completed–score forthcoming] (1985/2019)
sum over histories (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet + string trio) (15′) [new version] (2006/18– )
fundamental processes (10-string guitar + trio basso–viola, cello, contrabass) (20′) [new version] (2008/18– )
funk (bass clarinet and untuned percussion) (10′) (1988–89)
‘atsiluth/shîn (flute, bass clarinet, and piano) (12′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1991)
from n(ich)t (mezzo-soprano, recorder, guitar) (6′) (1999)
Liminal (cello and piano) [currently withdrawn: score being recopied] (8′) (1978/2004/2018)
Permutation City (percussion duo: playing two marimbas, vibraphone, and two octaves of crotales) (16′) (2005–08)
Blood Music (clarinet, seven-string electric guitar, and quarter-tone vibraphone) (13′) (2005)
e(i)ther (violin and piano) (13′) (2005)
an Hypallage (mezzo-soprano, baritone, harp (or piano)) [text: Lawrence Sterne] (3′) (2008)
diurnal (soprano and drone) [text: Arthur Haswell] (8′) (2014)
polyme(t)ric threads (E flat clarinet & soprano saxophone) (12′) (2017)
Ensemble Works
énoncé (sixteen instruments) (18′) (1983–84)
recueillement (baritone voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, viola, cello, bass) [text: Baudelaire] (12′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1986/ )
driftglass (solo percussion + flute/piccolo, E flat clarinet, trombone, guitar, percussion, bass) (10′) (1990)
beyond status geometry (percussion quartet) (20′) (1995)
ik(s)land[s] (mezzo-soprano and flute, clarinet, guitar, percussion, violin, cello) [text: berni m janssen] (20′) (1997–98)
eigenmomenta (flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (10′) (2000–01)
light-strung sigils (recorder and flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (15′) (2001–02)
the blinding access of the grace of flesh (mezzo-soprano and flute, clarinet, guitar, percussion, violin, cello) [text: berni m janssen] (11′) (2003)
Agnî (from Agnî-Prometheus-Lucifer) (sixteen instruments) (10′) (2006)
Prometheus (from Agnî-Prometheus-Lucifer) (solo flute and fifteen instruments) (20′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1992/2017– )
Lucifer (from Agnî-Prometheus-Lucifer) (sixteen instruments) (10′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1991- )
flux (two flutes, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (18′) (2016)
Chamber opera
We (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, bass voices, and ensemble) [libretto: Dustine Barnes, after Zamyatin] [in preparation] (80–120′) (2010–
Enoch Soames, a chamber opera after Max Beerbohm [libretto in preparation]
Large Ensemble and Orchestra
Symphony 1 (orchestra) (18′) [currently under re-orchestration] (1977–80)
Symphony 2 for three brass trios and percussion (20′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1982/ )
Symphony 3: afterimages (orchestra) (20′) [currently under revision] (1987/ )
Symphony 4 (four voices and large orchestra) (21′) (1994–97)